We have been using the below packages and the classes for Data Time for long time. But after Java 8 release there is big relief for developers and they can do date, time manipulations with lesser code.
We will compare them.
We have been using the below packages and the classes for Data Time for long time. But after Java 8 release there is big relief for developers and they can do date, time manipulations with lesser code.
We will compare them.
Without the Kubernetes, how can we manage and orchestrate cluster of containers in AWS.
Do you want to deploy your applications (Java, .NET, Node JS) in AWS cloud easily? Then the best way is to go for Beanstalk.
Just upload your application like JAR file if Java application, and create application. Beanstalk automatically provision all required resources and deploy them, and provides the URI to access the application. It is very fast deployment without struggling defining your EC2, Scaling, Load balancing configuration and you can have full control on created resources like EC2 instances etc.,
If you want to terminate the application, please choose and terminate. It will terminate only the EC2 instance. But to remove your application from S3, please click application and click "Delete" button.
Here we will see.
allows teams to easily version, audit, and collaborate on infrastructure changes. It also securely stores variables, including API tokens and access keys, and provides a safe, stable environment for long-running Terraform processes.
For more hands-on experience with the Terraform configuration language, resource provisioning, or importing existing infrastructure, review the tutorials below.
Configuration Language - Get more familiar with variables, outputs, dependencies, meta-arguments, and other language features to write more sophisticated Terraform configurations.
Modules - Organize and re-use Terraform configuration with modules.
Provision - Use Packer or Cloud-init to automatically provision SSH keys and a web server onto a Linux VM created by Terraform in AWS.
Import - Import existing infrastructure into Terraform.
Do we need Repository for artifacts?
Do we need repository only for dependencies and not for applications?
What is Infra as Code and how terraform helps?
DevOps :
Culture :
Development, Infra, IT, Business and Testing team - will work as single unit
Best Practices
Developers involve in IT Operations
IT Operations involve in Development
Version Control for Code, Infra, Repo
Adapt new changes quickly to Code, IT, Process, Infra
Everything Automated - Code, CI, CD, Testing, Reports
Containerized Tools and Environment - DEV-PROD parity
Source control - Code Repo, DockerHub, Access provisioning
CI/CD - Jenkins Docker Images, Security, Access provisioning
Code Coverage Tools
Configuration Management and Tools
Binary Management/ Artifactory
Here we will
Here in above file we use the image adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 We copy the built jar file as beerOrderService.jar We expose the post it need to be executed. The execution command to run application once container started |