Thursday, June 2, 2022
Terraform : Infrastructure as Code : Quick Example
Here we will see.
- Install Terraform on Windows Machine - Manual
- Install Terraform on AWS EC2 - Manal
- Install Docker on AWS EC2 using Terraform Script
- Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 using Terraform Script
- Install AWS Components and provisioning using Terraform Script
- Upload the Terraform Script (Code into GitHub)
- terraform.tfstate - Track, Security, Access Provisioning
- Terraform Registry and Providers
- Change Infrastructure using Script
- Destroy Infrastructure using Script - terraform destroy
- Terraform Cloud
allows teams to easily version, audit, and collaborate on infrastructure changes. It also securely stores variables, including API tokens and access keys, and provides a safe, stable environment for long-running Terraform processes.
For more hands-on experience with the Terraform configuration language, resource provisioning, or importing existing infrastructure, review the tutorials below.
Configuration Language - Get more familiar with variables, outputs, dependencies, meta-arguments, and other language features to write more sophisticated Terraform configurations.
Modules - Organize and re-use Terraform configuration with modules.
Provision - Use Packer or Cloud-init to automatically provision SSH keys and a web server onto a Linux VM created by Terraform in AWS.
Import - Import existing infrastructure into Terraform.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Spring Boot, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes on AWS EKS
Here we will
- Simple Spring Webflux based API
- Containerize the application using Docker
- Create CI Jenkins Pipeline
- Build
- Run Unit Tests
- Run Jacoco Reports
- Create Docker Image and Push to DockerHub
- Create CD Pipeline
- Login to AWS
- Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and create container
- Deploy in AWS EKS
- Configure CI pipeline to be triggered only when code checked-in to any feature/* branches
- Configure CI pipeline to be triggered only when PR raised
- Configure CD pipeline to be triggered only when PR merged
1. Simple Spring Webflux based API
- Please check the for how to build locally
- Beer-Service.postman_collection.json for testing the application using postman.
2. Containerize the application using Docker
Here in above file we use the image adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 We copy the built jar file as beerOrderService.jar We expose the post it need to be executed. The execution command to run application once container started |
3. Create CI Jenkins Pipeline
- Build
- Run Unit Tests
- Run Jacoco Reports
- Create Docker Image and Push to DockerHub
- Login to AWS
- Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and create container
- Deploy in AWS EKS
Configure CI pipeline to be triggered only when PR raised
Configure CD pipeline to be triggered only when PR merged