Thursday, May 26, 2022

Order Service API - Simple Microservice for Order Creation

Git Repo:

Create Below APIs using Spring Webflux.

 1. Order Service -  will invoke below APIs use  spring-boot-starter-validation

2. Inventory Service -  search and confirm availability, if not available Order Service will return message.

3. Price Service - Search and get latest price, Store actual prices in DB,  implement Spring Data to apply seasonal offers, configurable

4. Shipment Service - On successful creation Send mail.  @Email - -Validation

5. Payment Service - Insert data in DB and return an transaction id. 

6. Implement @ControllerAdvice - Reactive

Implement CommandLineRunner to check the availability of DependencyAPIs on startup..




Create Docker Images for REST APIs and Postgres DB

Run Jenkins on AWS EC2

CI and CD Pipelines

Deploy all these in Containers, separately, 

Authentication - NO Auth as of now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Redis : Spring Data Redis

Spring Data Reactive : R2DBC Entity Callback AfterConvertCallback


R2DBC Entity Callback – AfterConvert:

Lets implement the other requirement – to apply seasonal global discounts to all products when we select records from DB. Here we do not want to touch the database. We still want to keep the original price as it is. We just want to update the price once it is retrieved from DB.

AfterConvertCallback hook would be a good choice here.

\BeforeConvertCallback. In this case our implementation should implement Ordered as well as shown here to return the order in which it should be executed.

R2DBC Entity Callback – BeforeSave:

Sometimes the actual table might have more columns and entity object might not contain all the fields. For ex: fields like created_bycreated_date etc. But we might want to update these fields. In this case, BeforeConvertCallback will not help much! But we could achieve with BeforeSaveCallback.

Spring Data VS Spring Reactive Data

 With JPA 2.2, you no longer need to use converter it added support for the mapping of the following java.time types:

CrudRepository VS ReactiveCrudRepository

PagingAndSortingRepository VS  ReactiveSortingRepository

Flux<Person> findByLastname(Mono<String> lastname);
// insert
              .subscribe(p -> System.out.println("After inserting : " + p));



@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "")

 @Transactional annotation at the class level, which is then overridden for tRhe non-read-only methods.

Exception translation is still enabled by the use of the @Repository annotation on the DAO. This annotation enables a Spring bean postprocessor to advise all @Repository beans with all the PersistenceExceptionTranslator instances found in the container, and provide exception translation just as before.

@Column(columnDefinition = "DATE")
private LocalDate date;
@Column(columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP")
private LocalDateTime dateTime;
@Column(columnDefinition = "TIME")
private LocalTime localTime;




Logging in Microservices : Spring Boot

#output to a temp_folder/file
# Logging pattern for the console
logging.pattern.console= %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n



Http Client: RestTemplate, Java11-HttpClient, Apache-HttpClient, WebClient

 HTTPClient replaces the legacy HttpUrlConnection class present in the JDK since the early versions of Java.

Some of its features include:

  1. Support for HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and Web Socket.
  2. Support for synchronous and asynchronous programming models.
  3. Handling of request and response bodies as reactive streams.
  4. Support for cookies.
Use of HttpClient is preferred if our application is built using Java 11 and above.

sendAsync VS send

Apache HttpClient

Spring WebClient is an asynchronous, reactive HTTP client introduced in Spring 5 in the Spring WebFlux project to replace the older RestTemplate for making REST API calls in applications built with the Spring Boot framework. It supports synchronous, asynchronous, and streaming scenarios.

If you call Block- then it became synchronous. 

Spring WebClient is the preferred choice for Spring Boot applications more importantly if we are using reactive APIs.

WebClient client = WebClient.create();

  .header(URLConstants.API_KEY_NAME, URLConstants.API_KEY_VALUE)

WebClient client = WebClient.create();

    String result = client
            .flatMap(response -> response.bodyToMono(String.class))
    System.out.println("result::" + result);

CloseableHttpAsyncClient client = 
      HttpAsyncClients.createDefault();) {
    final SimpleHttpRequest request = 

CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
      CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost)

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()
  HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
     .uri(new URI(URLConstants.URL))
     .header(URLConstants.API_KEY_NAME, URLConstants.API_KEY_VALUE)
  client.sendAsync(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Simple REST API using Spring Webflux, WebClient and Junit

 Dear Java Developers,

we will look into an sample REST API created using Spring Boot, Spring Webflux (Reactive) and integrated with another API using Webclient. 

Also we will add unit test cases to test Controller, Service and Webclient classes. 

OrderService - Receives inputs and checks inventory and create order.

InventoryService checks and confirms products available in inventory. Secured with JWT Token. 
